'Everything becomes a little different as soon as it is spoken out loud' - Herman Hesse
While some issues can be resolved alone, others benefit from being explored with someone trained to listen.
The work will be different for everyone, and could include:
Support through unexpected life events, periods of change and loss
Developing a greater sense of self worth, self acceptance and increased compassion for yourself
Exploring difficult and overwhelming emotions
Addressing behaviours that are no longer helpful
Managing or finding a way through depression
Coming to new terms in relation to past traumas
Dealing with a loss of identity or sense of meaning
Supporting the development of more fulfilling relationships
Increasing self-awareness
Realising your potential
Recovering a sense of vitality and spontaneity
Reconnecting to or finding purpose and direction
For more information and to book a free introductory session call me on 07899834396 or email me at rich@richtaylorcounselling.com