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“The most interesting experience of my adult life” 

- John Cleese 

  • 8-10 people

  • 2hr weekly meetings, for 10 weeks

  • £20 per person, per session

  • New groups start in Sept 2018, numbers permitting

  • Meeting in Brighton & Hove (exact location tbc)

  • On the following days/times, depending on demand:



Tues (5:30pm - 7:30pm)

Weds (2:30pm - 4:30pm)



This experience will consist of a closed group of 6 - 8 people that commit to meet together, each of whom will have some experience of individual counselling or therapy. I will also be there in a facilitative role. These meetings will last for 2 hours and take place at a regular time and place on a weekly basis, for 10 weeks.


Over the course of the 10 weeks, the group members will come together to learn experientially about being themselves with others through the group work process. By design, the meetings are relatively unstructured: there is no real plan, agenda, topic or pre-arranged direction. This is a key element that helps keep things refreshingly real, as there aren’t the formalities and restrictions that we’d usually find in more structured meetings. This helps ensure that whatever is most important or alive or pressing in the moment has space to emerge and can be explored for and between group members.


The content of such a laboratory may include the sharing and exploration of the highs, lows and in-betweens of people’s current lives, past experiences, and experiences in relation to each other in the group. We may also end up exploring wider human, social and cultural themes that seem relevant in amongst all that, and any other elements that arise from the unpredictable turn of events of such a group process.


Click here to find out about joining a Real Relating Group.



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