"I liked your ‘vibe’ (online) and after meeting with you for the introductory session, I liked you a lot and felt that I would be able to get along with you and open up to you.
For me, counselling was a way to vent frustrations and explore situations past and present that are troubling in a safe and confidential environment. An environment whereby talking helps unravel the ‘brain knots’!
Counselling with you helped me make some connections that I hadn’t been able to make previously: connections that helped me move on from certain situations. It allowed me to dissect my troubles, untangle them and lay them bare, again, helping me see a trouble for what it was as opposed to what it had become emotionally.
I liked the room, I like you, I liked your demeanour, your ‘investment’ in my troubles: I came away believing that you genuinely cared. I found it helpful when you interjected with questions or put things to me that I had to then comment on. These are all things that made the counselling work well.
I never felt I had to go over information I had already told you. This was beneficial as it allowed me to offload and talk at pace if need be without being interrupted and halted. This, in turn, allowed me to maximise my time with you.
I found it helped me work through situations, and there was nothing that I didn’t find beneficial or that got in the way or that was unhelpful. You came across as a kind and understanding person. I enjoyed our sessions very much!"
For more information and to book a free introductory session call me on 07899834396 or email me at rich@richtaylorcounselling.com